Tie Breaker Results

OMG A CONCLUSION TO THE CONTEST! NO WAY! *ahem* Yea… Working full time hours while being a full time college student doesn’t exactly leave me with too much free time and if it does, the time is best used to sleep @.@. Anyway, hope all of you had a wonderful holiday break and things went according to your keikaku. Now let’s finish what I should’ve finished LONGGGG ago…

The unknown gunpla and category I prize is…

RG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam. I bought this Gunpla solely for this giveaway. I didn’t give any hints because I thought the shape/size of the box and the distinct black bottom was quite well known already for the RG series (many people made quite a point about it when the RG RX-78-2 first came out). Not to mention if you knew that it was a RG, you have 25% of getting it right anyway ^^;. Only three people guessed it right though: Vic L, Mark D, and Roy H. And this was their Rock, Paper, Scissor match:

Vic 1. Rock 2. Scissor 3. Paper 4. Scissor 5. Rock

Mark 1. Scissors 2. Paper 3. Rock 4. Rock 5. Scissors

Roy 1. Rock 2. Paper 3. Paper 4. Rock 5. Rock

Andddd… it looks like we have a draw between Roy and Vic. Those two will have to duke it out in yet another RPS match but this time it will be elimination style. First Win takes the prize. I’ll email them about the decisive battle to settle the score. However, we have a solid Category II winner…

Congrats to REEOYUY for winning the SD 00 Raiser! He didn’t get the tie breaker question right… but he also didn’t have to since no one else chose this prize. Auto Win!

And I thank everyone else for participating and waiting for the outcomes this whole time!

22 thoughts on “Tie Breaker Results

  1. What?! Only 3 people knew it was RG Aile Strike? I thought it would have been a dead giveaway. Z has already bought RX-78-2 so that couldn’t have been the prize, and he couldn’t have give the 2 Zaku (Char or Mass Produced) as a MAIN prize of his contest anyway. Since Freedom wasn’t out by that time, the only reasonable answer is Aile Strike. I totally call it in the last post comments when I said, “Would have been easier to just order RG Aile Strike”.

    1. And to add to my deduction of how easy it is to guess it’s RG Aile Strike, Z said this before on the main contest page: “though I’m pretty confident most of you will like this ^^.” That pretty much throws out the 2 RG Zakus because a lot like Zaku but not most people. And the fact is that RG Aile Strike is really really popular only means it’s more probable as a prize.

  2. I’m not confident with my answer since all RG released so far have the chance. Yeah, it’s obvious it’s RG but still there are 3 possibilities. I even consider maybe Z bought another RX-78 too lol. So yeah, I pick 2nd prize in case my answer is wrong. And it paid off :).
    Thanks again Z. I’ve replied your mail.

  3. Congratulation for the winner(s) :D

    I wouldn’t know how RG’s Box looks like just seen the real thing when visit a Hobby store last week hahaha ^^

  4. i actually refreshed this page like everyday until today thinking that Z haven’t updated…. because of the photo of the box being the same as the previous post.

    omg i’ve been duped for like almost one week?

  5. Well, looks like I’ll be keeping the RG Aile Strike since the winner (Roy) already bought his on release day so I’ll work out something else with him. Quiet congrats to him and everyone else who have made it this far with this absurd game of mine xD.

    Ah… it’s that time of the year again, isn’t it? It is snowing here at last…

  6. I already have the RG Aile Strike Gundam.

    I’ll review in my Hong’s Hobby Garage blog bujt my camera broke. I’ll do the review until the Camera’s finished repairing.

  7. hey guys I’m gonna get a robot damashii, and I’m not sure which is the best. any recommendations?(no RX or zkus,i already have those)

  8. Hey Z,
    I’m wondering if design an create ur own gundams on top of the regular kits? I have been for a few years now and love it. I’ve made 2 1/144 gundams, and 4 1/100 hg gundams an 1 failed attempt 1/100 hg next I’m gonna try my first mg design it’s gonna be a cross between strike noir an death scythe EW. I just haven’t found anyone else who shares this hobby yet.

        1. Oh I don’t have a facebook account. I’m not sure not sure if you meant “create your own” as in kitbashing or whatnot but I think the closest person to that is Lupes *points to the right side bar*.

          1. I didn’t know it was called kit bashing. Makes it sound bad lol. But I do use several kits to make one then give it a new paint job. An make custom weapons for em. The link was just so u could see the pictures of them.

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