D-Arts Rockman X

Oh how I’ve always wished for Bandai to make a MG X/Zero but something like this along the SHF line-up would work too. To be released in April, the figure looks very promising in terms of detail and playability (like SHFiguarts) but the best part is that X’s design here is based on X1-X6… so before he got redesigned to having more “human” proportions which I think ruined his looks.

His charged shot is also included… but isn’t this his second stage shot? his last charge stage is blue isn’t it?

Multiple faces. Nice!

Bullet arrangements! Even nicer! Though I hope you don’t really need to use a stand to support it… kinda kills the effect a bit ^^;.

I’m so going to pick this up along with Zero (it’s inevitable) whenever he decides to show up. Obviously, the various X Armor figures will show up too and I don’t mind picking those up as well in the future (new review line-up?!).

Images pulled straight from Bandai’s Tamashii website which I got from Q’s twitter ^^.

Do you fancy this figure?


67 thoughts on “D-Arts Rockman X

  1. There are a lot of X armor series from X1 – X8, so people might want to re-review which one the best for their preference. (maybe ultimate black armor X, anyone)

    for zero, it only came up in normal zero, and the X3 – X8 series armor (black and red), based on the game.
    so if people happened to pick zero first before X, its understandable.

    lets hope the zero have more choices of saber actions + hands (fire uppercut maybe, :P)

    1. I would like a raijingeki, ryuuenjin, rakuhouha, rakukoujin, and shippuga effect parts! Of course, there is no way Bandai will include that many…

  2. While I normally wouldn’t get him unless he was a kit – and believe me, I was a bit disappointed about that, X looks like a great action figure to have.

    From the looks of his articulation (near 180 degree bends all around, wide leg stances with feet flat on the ground!), he’ll be able to pull off some awesome poses that Kotobukiya wasn’t able to deliver with their 1/10 Rockman kit.

    As for proportions, I’m not too concerned with that, Z. Maybe you’re too concerned with his looks in-game rather than in-anime, where he looks considerably less chibi-like that his precursor. Either way, the proportions look sleek despite the fat armor and can pull off the Rockman look without a hitch.

    I can only imagine how badass Zero will be!

    Will I get them? HELL YEAH! On the slight chance that there’s a release of Master Grades? TAKE MY MONEY, BANDAI! JUST TAKE IT!!

    1. No… I love his proportions exactly the way they are presented in this figure because it is his pre-X7 design (That’s what I originally meant). His X7-8 design looks… lame.

  3. I’m stoked! I’m planning to get him when he comes around locally here and Zero as well when he comes around. I really liked the X series and played X1-X3 finished on the SNES platform but never really got to play X4-X6 on the PS1 (since I never had a PS1… and keyboard input isn’t all that easy to play on). I tried to play X7 but the controls killed me so I skipped and played through X8 which had better mechanics.

    Would be nice if there was a kit of X, I mean, a 1/8 scale MGF would be really nice! Hopefully Vava/Vile and Sigma are made too later on so thet there are some bad guys to pwn (heck, why not all the bosses?).

    1. Oh yea, gotta have Vile too if Sigma also rolls around…

      You should pick up Mega Man X Collection! It’s should be dirt cheap by now and it contains ALL the MMX games up to X6!

  4. I know there will be another series after another that will be figurized by bandai ^^;

    after, Kamen Rider goes to Sentai, then Ultraman, then One Piece, then Digimon, then Medabots, then finally Rockman series…

    do you interested the other series Z? For me apart from KR, digimon looks promising too ^^

  5. Yeaaarg! Must have. Anyond know when it’ll be available to preorder?..And are D-arts on the usual slew of sites? (hobby likn japan, hobby search, etc) Never had a D-art before…

  6. I’ll wait for a few reviews before getting X.

    The stand for X’s energy blasts doesn’t bother me. After awhile, While on display, They’d likely start drooping, thus runing the effect.

  7. Eu sei o porque a maioria da pessoas gostam mais do zero!É porque o segundo personagem tem a maior fama, em outras palavras exíbido!Mas o meu personagem favorito e o X.E eu estou louco para comprar o boneco do X. Se alguem souber a onde eu consigo esse boneco espetacular por favor, por favor, por favor me diga eu inploro, sou super iper mega fã de megaman.Eu estou deseperado acabei de ganhar um psp 3001 importado do Canada e ele chegou com defeito e a garantia não vale no Brasil ou seja R$600,00 jogados fora!!!E agora me Ferrei!!!E agora para piorar estou sem grana e nao sei como consigir esse boneco.
    Estoumeio envergonhado por esse comentari ser meio grade.amanhã passo de novo para ver o site.

  8. Eu sou brasileiro por isso que você não entendeu muita coisa do que eu digitei.Esse google tradutor deve ter alguma coisa errada poque eu sei algumas coisas em ingles e na tradução para oportugues não comsigui entendar muita coisa.

  9. Eu sou brasileiro por isso que você não entendeu muita coisa do que eu digitei.Esse google tradutor deve ter alguma coisa errada poque eu sei algumas coisas em ingles e na tradução para o portugues não comsigui entendar muita coisa.

  10. Eu sou brasileiro por isso que você não entendeu muita coisa do que eu digitei.Esse google tradutor deve ter alguma coisa errada poque eu sei algumas coisas em ingles e na tradução para o portugues não comsigui entendar muitas palavras.

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