Canon SLR of Yore

I know one of my primary reasons for choosing Canon as my first SLR was because it was the first camera brand I learned of when I was little and all of our cameras were from them ^^;. Besides a PnS, I also knew my dad has a SLR which I’ve seen from time to time when I was a kid (~15 years ago) but it’s only now that I’ve finally took a closer look at it.

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Lumix GF1 GET!

I supposed I have to thank (blame?) Danny for influencing me on this giant purchase ^^;. For some odd reason, I can’t seem to find any store (Best Buy, Sears, etc) that carries this camera so I never got to play around with it to make up my mind on whether to buy it or not. During the DC meetup at AX, I asked Danny if I could check out his GF1 for a bit and after shooting a few shots, I immediately fell in love with it… and my XSi felt lacking ever since. After coming back to Portland, I started my hunt for the best deal on this… Continue reading “Lumix GF1 GET!”

GN Arms Almost Complete…

I was really looking forward to actually finishing this model today and start on Exia but unfortunately, got stuck doing other things and was gone for the entire day ^^;. Here’s what I got so far…


Even though I’m nearly done with this thing, I still don’t understand one bit about its design. I mean… what is this Gerwalk thing supposed to be?

Anyway, I ordered a wireless router and a canon bag from newegg the other day and they finally arrived :D


Those with the Canon XSi or XS will find this nifty bag VERY useful as it can fit up to two cameras, four lenses, and comes with a spare battery and UV protector. I bought it mainly for the spare battery (which alone already cost $30-50). I guess the UV protector can come handy every now and then too. One thing I don’t like is that huge “REBEL” logo on it; I’d prefer it plain or simply have “CANON” on it ^^;. (And why does a bag need to be packaged inside a big cardboard box? -_-;)


The bag is nicely padded and I would feel safe dropping it with my XSi inside (not that I would >_>).  The rearrangeable compartments and other mini storages can probably even let me pack my lunch inside ^^;. Well, at least now I feel safe toting my XSi around outside so I can take some outdoor shots.

Canon Rebel XSi – WANT


I’ve been itching for a camera upgrade ever since I felt my current SX100 IS is not up to my photo demands and me starting to outgrow it; I always feel that it can look a little better… and better. Guess my main target for Black Friday/Cyber Monday would be Canon’s XSi dSLR. I’ve been eyeing the camera for awhile but finally decided to jump the gun after consulting with Marvin. Not really a Canon fanboy but I grew up using them (gone through 3 canons and my dad has a sweet film SLR). It’ll be my first SLR and hope I can utilize its full potential some way down the road (I’ll also be taking a photography course in the spring as well). Lenses will destroy my wallet faster than any Gundam models ever could though… orz

I’m not a Photographer but photography has been one of my hobbies for years and learning how to take photos properly can come in very handy at times like during special occasions (and Gunpla reviews xD). One might remember the awesome moment in their head but being able to see it in person and share it in all its glory is even better.